Criminal Defense
Criminal defense covers a broad range of crimes and anyone can find themselves in need of a criminal defense attorney. If you get pulled for a speeding violation or expired tag on your vehicle, you may be charged with a criminal offense. Miriam Thompson can help with any type of motor vehicle offense. She can advise you of the potential consequences involving insurance points, driving record points and criminal convictions. If hired to handle a traffic case she will do her best to limit your court appearances and protect your driving and insurance records.
If you find yourself charged with a more serious motor vehicle offense such as driving while impaired (DWI), you should contact our office immediately. Certain rights regarding your driver’s license can be lost if not exercised within a short time period. DWI cases are complicated and should be handled by attorneys with expertise and experience in this area of the law. Miriam Thompson has been handling DWI cases her entire legal career (since 1995) and remains abreast of the ever changing laws in this area by attending DWI seminars and consulting with other DWI attorneys around the state.
Drug and alcohol related offenses are very common in the Wilmington area given the college and vacation atmosphere. Miriam Thompson can assist clients with these types of offenses and try to reach resolutions that keep people’s criminal records clean.
Felony offenses such as assaults, armed robbery, rape, murder, embezzlement, white collar crimes are more serious crimes that require an attorney with the time and skills to properly defend the case. Miriam Thompson has handled all types of felony offenses in her 20 year legal career. She can be trusted to fight for each person’s constitutional rights and ensure that they are not taken advantage of by the court system.
Anytime you have an encounter with the police and receive a citation or a warrant, you should consult an attorney. Miriam Thompson is available to discuss whatever criminal issue you have and help determine your best plan of action. Her rates are reasonable and are based on the specific charge. Facing criminal charges may be the most overwhelming experience in you or your loved one’s life. Miriam Thompson is committed to helping each client reach the best possible outcome in their case.
Expungements are available in certain circumstances which allow for a past criminal conviction and/or charge to be removed from a person’s record. Expungement statutes change frequently broadening the types of charges that can be removed from a person’s criminal record . Miriam Thompson can advise you if you are eligible for an expungement and if so handle the court proceedings on your behalf.
Thank you for your interest. Contact us.
Our Location
Phone Number (910) 342-0760
Fax Number 910-343-0776
Hours of Operation Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Office Location 307 N. Fifth Ave. Wilmington, NC 28401
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